Fixed the WordPress Vanity URL index.php 404 issue
Today ableSEO made the transfer from the trusty Microsoft Server to a Linux one. There was a reason.
We have established there is a long standing issue with vanity URL’s on WordPress. For websites wanting their pages to show as and not as for instance, there didn’t seem to be a straight forward solution. We looked round for ages to remidy this issue for our customers.
We established that changing over to a Linux server made this issue go away, just like that! It’s all to do with the required re-write mod in the .htaccess file and a Windows 2003 server issue. You can stay on a windows server if you want as long as its a windows 2008. That would still work.
We hope to pass on this information to whoever will find it useful and we would like to think it will prevent wasting time looking for the solution elsewhere.