How important is SEO in todays business world?
Years ago, businesses would have spent tens of thousands of pounds on advertising campaigns incorporating, print, TV or radio media. But today, this whole concept has changed. With customers no longer randomly looking for a product or service, the internet offers a great opportunity to develop a targeted route to your market thanks to SEO (search engine optimisation). With the ever-increasing amount of websites, firms need to focus on the content, functionality and positioning of their web presence. This is something that can help with. Just as a successful high-street retailer will regularly update its shop window to increase foot fall, a website must be dynamic if it is to showcase a business effectively. The potential for new customers on the internet is enormous, with 2.7 billion searches each month on google alone. As people become more dependent on the internet, this audience will never go away and should be addressed accordingly with an effective seo campaign.